Life Coaching to Develop Your Human Expression

Communication Matters


Because each of us is mysterious and ever-changing, we are constantly shaping and reshaping how we express our thoughts and feelings, both to ourselves and others. Your human expression changes as the seasons change.


Let your human expression give you a deeper sense of belonging, freedom, and purpose. Let this momentum inform your strategy as you commit and complete the projects that matter to you.


Presenting Focus May Include: Life Purpose, Life/Work Transitions, Personal and Professional Communication, Cross-Cultural Complexity, Stress, Anxiety, Sexuality, Emotional Intelligence, Decision Making, Belonging and Individuality, Organization Management, Creative Expression, Relationships, Work Place Issues, Getting in the Zone, Artistic and Philosophical Inquiry, For Pitch Deck Refinement, See Coaching for Entrepreneurs

If you have a Lyra benefit that you want to use for coaching, all communication must happen through Lyra. Complimentary consultations are part of Shape Human Expression coaching and consulting only.


Working with me begins with a conversation. This often dovetails from the one that you are having with yourself. I will listen to you. Together we will better understand the messages you tell yourself and the human expression challenge you face.

Through conventional and innovative communication strategies, I will encourage you to develop insight with stamina as you address conflicts, dreams, practical or imaginative projects.

We will uncover the contradictions within your experience and pursue an individualized program of purpose. This includes communication strategies and mental fitness tools directed by your needs and desired outcome.

Many clients I work with seek thought partnership for a project, either small or grand that they seek to follow through and complete.

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