Relationship Coaching


We want relationships and partnerships to support and expand our lives.


But what happens when the tension or distance becomes too much and cohesion, desire and harmony break down? Do we walk away or face the music?

Conflicts and obstacles can provide growth through new vistas of truth, reconciliation, and creative opportunities to thrive.

Non-judgemental third-party coaching can provide a safe and fair space for this process for a myriad of platonic, romantic, business-oriented, artistically grounded, or rooted in activism.

I support partners to revisit their relationships with awareness, communication tools, and practices so they can rediscover what's happening, experience each other with a new vision, and realize the potential of their relationship dynamic.


Types of Relationships: Friendships, Marital Partners, Romantic, Dating, Long and Short-term Project-Based, Work-Related Relationships, Business Partners, Friendships, Artistic Partnerships, Activist Partnerships


Still from the period Italian hospital drama that details the trials and tributlations within a constellation of personal and professional relationships.