Dr. Susan D’Aloia

ICF Credentialed Coach I Global Educator & Trainer I Learning & Development I Conflict Resolution I Ethnographic Research & Writing I Speaker

I’m a human expression coach, global educator, and consultant. I help people expand their lives through mental fitness, intellectual connectedness, and next-level completion of their projects.

Growing up, I felt excited by the notions of freedom, possibility, and fresh direction, but often I thought you had to go somewhere else to experience this. And usually far away. Having traveled and worked globally, I know the power of new vistas and perspectives to be true.

However, I’ve also learned that a more fulfilled experience can be close to us all the time, wherever we might be.

I guide people to harness their own awareness and insight so they can develop the mental fitness needed for their personal and professional missions.

I can support you to rediscover your own shape - or shapes - of expression- as we address the obstacles getting in the way of your life force, happiness, and intellectual potential. It starts with the messages you tell yourself.


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Shape Human Expression

I worked for years in residential treatment, as well as at colleges, universities, and in the private sector. I publish essays and scholarly articles on cross-cultural complexity and cohesion, communication, and human expression, including the impact of Artificial Intelligence and our evolving views of its constraints and potential. Other areas of research have included peripatetic relationships of purpose, yelling, the future of English, and methods of motivation for resistant individuals and groups.

I hold an MFA in Writing and a graduate certificate in English Education. I earned a Ph.D. in Comparative Studies in 2011 and my doctoral research on long-term service in Post-Katrina New Orleans has been anthologized. Throughout my years of living in Southeast Asia, I studied sound healing and trained with Grand Master Shree Krishna Shahi in Nepal in 2018.

In 2021, I became certified as a Flow Coach and was credentialed by the International Coaching Federation (ICF) as an Associate Certified Coach (ACC). In 2022 I trained in Positive Intelligence, a method for mental fitness.


Beyond the Glitter of AI: Four Principles to Implement for Personal Agency. March 23, 2023

More Publications

The Mystery of Monk’s Logic: A review of Running Towards the Mystery. 3 Quarks Daily. April 2020


Michi’s Next Act: Impassioned eLearning for Emerging Filipino Designers. ELearn Magazine. August 2017 

The Substance behind Outcomes Based Education: Lessons from on the ground. ELearn Magazine. May 1, 2017 

Principles and Passion: Finding Purpose through Re-Inquiry. Empowering 21st Century Learners Through Holistic and Enterprising. Springer Link. 2017

Tieng Anh: Learning English: From Inertia to Hegemony and Deliverance. The Future of English in Asia. Routeledge Press. 2016

Internarrative Identity of an Imported Solidarity. Internarrative Identity Revisited. Palgrave Macmillan. 2015

Doctoral Dissertation: Post-Katrina Volunteerism: The Ethics of an Imported Solidarity. 2011

Working the Chaos:  Entering Land, Entering Culture.  Renaissance Universal.  2007

Tales Around My Sister.  Global City Review:  Anything Can Happen. 12 (2000): 29-46.   

He and I:  A Tribute to Natalia Ginzburg.  Reading Room/2.  Ed.  Barbara Solomon. New York:  Great Marsh Press.  Print. 2000

Recipient of New York State Thayer Fellowship in the Arts for Garbed in Second Hand 1995